Request for Survey Cooperation

Dear Friends of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement,

The Tokyo 2020 Games, which have been postponed for one year, will soon be held in Japan. As people in many countries are concerned about holding mega sport events during the COVID-19 pandemic, and various opinions about how the upcoming Games should be conducted are being expressed in Japan.

Under these circumstances, we would like to ask your opinions and thoughts about the future of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. We would like you to provide us with your candid opinions concerning the significance of sports and concepts of post-COVID-19 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We expect that an exchange of opinions will lead to the creation of a new phase of solidarity in the future.

We will release and share the survey results with you on the JOA Website. We will not release your name and organization, if you prefer.

If you agree to respond, please visit the next page and complete the survey by July 2.


Sincerely yours, 
Toshio Mochizuki 